Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Mangos are Blooming! The Mangos are blooming!

Northeast of the Four Winds Cafe is a star-shaped planting of ten mango (Mangifera indica) trees. These trees are special, named varieties of compact mangos planted to honor and remember Kit Reilly, a well-loved, mango-loving NC student who died tragically in the summer of 2003.

A tropical fruit tree, mangos in Florida bloom during the winter, when the chance of a freeze could wipe out the fruit set. In addition, mangos are notoriously shy bearers -- thousands of blossoms on a tree many result in only a handful of fruit. This year all ten mangos are blooming. The exact varieties are shown below.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Grounds Crew Tackles Exotics on Caples Shore

The College Grounds Crew descended on the northern section of the Caples shoreline Monday to remove massive Brazilian Peppers and an exotic fig that was 'strangling' a cabbage palm. The result is a much improved view and more room for native plants such as Sea Grape, and Christmas Berry. 

Unfortunately, we don't have a before picture, but the result (seen above) is a view few campuses can match. The crew should be back on Tuesday.