Sunday, January 18, 2009

Crepuscular Owl Misses Sunset Snapshot

While setting my iPhone on a railing at Caples to take the accompanying sunset snapshot a Great Horned Owl (Bubo viginianus)  flew across the field of view from North to South. Our campus hosts both this, the largest, Florida owl as well as the smallest, the Screech Owl.

For the past two years Great Horned Owls have commandered a former Osprey nest off the southwest corner of the Pritzker Marine Science Building. This year two Great Horned Owls (a pair?) have been seen and heard calling to each other at Caples, but, according to Dr. Heidi Harley Ospreys are carrying nesting materials to the Pritzker nest. 

Although this owl was seen at dusk, Great Horned Owls are apparently atypical in that they hunt throughout the day and night-- they are not solely crepuscular.

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